Lindon Bennett School


Bumblebees class have had a great Spring term. During Spring one we have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’.

First we looked at people who help in school and this was a chance to get to know the extended school team. Our favourite were visits from Sadie, the school therapy dog! Next we learnt all about the emergency services and went over to the main school to explore a real fire engine and meet some fire fighters. The children loved wearing the firefighter’s hat! Lastly, they had great fun role-playing when learning about doctors and nurses.

For Spring two, our topic has been ‘Growing’ we have had great fun learning about planting and how seeds grow. We used edible soil to role-play planting seeds and watering them. We have enjoyed sensory stories such as, ‘The Tiny Seed’ and ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’. We also learned all about animals growing and loved ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ story.

During this term we have also taken part in lots of celebration and enrichment days. For World Book Day we went to other classes and took part in lots of story activities, we invited our Mums in to celebrate Mothers Day, enjoyed a Numeracy Pattern Day and raised money for Red Noes Day. We are looking forward to our Easter Fun Day to end the term.

When we come back from our Easter break, we will be learning all about ‘On the Farm’.