Lindon Bennett School


During Spring 1, the topic we focused on was ‘Music and Sounds’. We have been busy exploring musical instruments, environmental sounds and making our own instruments through junk modelling. The children have particularly enjoyed engaging in ‘I am the music man’, focusing on taking turns with their peers whilst playing different musical instruments! We have experimented with sounds in the environment and focused on playing alongside music or a steady beat.

During this half term, we have been exploring our topic ‘The Farm’. The children have actively participated in completing adult-led activities for longer periods of time. We have been focusing on the sounds of animals, using Big Macs and switches in addition, to pictured symbols and objects of reference to support the children in their play. We have looked closely at growing vegetables, watering plants and digging in soil to create our own vegetable growing station. Our class favourite song in ‘Farmyard Jamboree’!

We had a busy month half-term participating in different celebrations and special days including World Number Pattern Day, World Book Day, Red Nose Day and Mothers’ Day. The children have been developing their early mark-making skills, creating many pieces of artwork and looking at books, developing their attention and listening skills. We have finished this term by celebrating Easter with our amazing Easter Fun Day- parading around the school with our Easter Bonnets, going on an egg hunt and making Easter egg nests!

Our next topic in April will be ‘Food’ and we are looking forward to seeing what your children can achieve. Now that Caterpillars are confident in exploring and improving their level of engagement in activities, we look forward to extending them further to achieve their next steps in their learning.

We are very proud of the achievements Caterpillars Class have displayed over the Spring Term! Well done!