Lindon Bennett School


Our topics over Spring term have been ‘Music and Sounds’ and ‘On the Farm’.

For our Spring 1 topic, ‘Music and Sounds’ we have enjoyed reading stories, especially ‘Kitchen Disco’ and have enjoyed listening to this through song too. The children have been given lots of opportunities to play a wide range of instruments including shakers, drums and pianos. We have also been creative and making music in other ways using other tools such as kitchen utensils. We have listened to music from around the world including the Hawaiian guitar and Scottish bagpipes!

The children have enjoyed our Spring 2 topic, ‘On the Farm’. We have been reading a variety of stories such as ‘The Noisy Farm’, ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and ‘Spot Goes to the Farm’ and have taken part in a whole range of activities linked to these stories. The children have enjoyed listening to songs, including ‘Old Macdonald’ and we have been encouraging the children to copy the actions. We have been focusing on farm animals and where they live, all about growing and baby animals and Spring. We have been modelling animal sounds, especially when exploring the farm animal toys and completing the farm animal puzzles.

The children have continued to develop their early mark-making skills and have created many pieces of artwork linked to their learning using a variety of mark-making tools and materials. They’ve made beautiful pieces of art to contribute towards our ‘Kitchen Disco’ display, farm display and our Spring display. We have also been very busy taking part in different events including World Book Day, Red Nose Day and had a special Mother’s Day celebration stay and play session.

Our next topic for Summer 1 will be ‘Food’ and we are looking forward to seeing what your children can achieve. We will be learning all about healthy eating, food that is used for celebrations and we will be learning about where food comes from and we will be encouraging the children to try a range of new foods. We will also be continuing to work on their independence in daily routines such as washing their hands, brushing their teeth and taking off their own shoes and socks.

Please remember to keep writing in the Home/Communication Book as we love hearing all about what your children get up to at home.

We are very proud of all of the children in Ladybirds Class and we hope you all have a wonderful Easter.