Lindon Bennett School


During the Spring term, the Rabbits experienced so many things and achieved so much. They showed their progress in a variety of ways.

As part of our topic “People Who Help Us,” the children walked around school to find as many people as they could who help us in the day-to-day running of the school, including the cleaners and the school nurse. After that, the children expanded their perspective of the wider community by meeting firefighters who visited the school. The children had lots of fun engaging in role-playing firefighters and doctors, putting out pretend fires and curing baby dolls of their ills. We also met librarians on a school trip to Ashford Library.

In the current topic “Growth” the children planted beans in pots, and learned all about what plants need to grow: sunlight, water, soil and lots of love.  Our beanstalks are growing well, and the children have been amazed to see the green spouts poking through the soil.

We now have a Kindness Jar in the classroom. The children put hearts in the jar at the end of each week, and it is one of our favourite moments, to reflect on our achievements during the week, and the moments of kindness we experienced or were part of.

Next term, our topic is Animals and we are looking forward to learn about farm animals to animals living in Jungles and Safari!