Lindon Bennett School


This half term we have explored ‘growing’, we have looked at how things grow, what grows and what makes them grow. The children in Owl’s class have explored the story of ‘Jasper beanstalk’ and ‘Titch’. We have enjoyed planting and watering our beans, carrots and cress and observed them as they grew.  We have also made flowers, adding petals and stems to them.  Throughout this topic, we have explored big and small and have started to explore measuring objects with support from the adults to find out what size they are!

Owl’s class enjoyed our visit to ‘TVAP’ and had beautiful weather which enabled us to play outside and use all the lovely equipment. We were able to continue to work on our turn taking in a different environment and play simple games with familiar adults. We loved the zip wire, swing and using the bikes, which seemed to be a favourite for all the children who did very well at taking turns.

Well done Owls class!

We are looking forward to our topics for next term, which are ‘Animals’ and ‘The Sea’. We are starting to plan some for trips for us to take part in and enjoy being out and about in the community.

Have a great Easter break.