Lindon Bennett School

British values

At Lindon Bennett School we celebrate each child’s unique abilities and achievements in a creative and supportive environment.

Focus: Curriculum content (skills / learning outcomes being taught)


  • Turn taking and sharing skills
  • Friendship and interaction
  • Learning about me
  • Co-operation and tolerance
  • Dealing with emotions
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Similarities and differences
  • Communicating my needs, wants and likes
  • To be aware of danger
  • To show resilience and determination
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world around them
  • Self help skills
  • Creativity, play and fun


  • Learning about myself
  • Co-operation
  • Managing emotions and self regulation
  • Relationships
  • Independence and self-confidence
  • Choice making
  • Turn taking and sharing
  • Asking for help
  • Keeping safe
  • To show resilience and determination
  • Awareness of the wider world
  • Freedom to be creative
  • Similarities and differences

Focus: Opportunities offered within school


  • Learning is offered through adult and child led experiences
  • Exploring and learning takes place within an environment that offers excitement, fun and understanding
  • The curriculum is differentiated ensuring access for all
  • Learning Outcomes for all have a strong focus on the areas of Communication and Language and Personal and Social Development
  • Cross-curricula learning helps pupils to develop skills in a variety of situations and environments
  • Pupils have a clear understanding of expectations and feel confident to take risks and have a go
  • Clear, consistent behavior policy in place across the school, working on pro-active strategies to support children
  • Independence is praised and encouraged in all aspects of the curriculum and daily activities
  • A strong emphasis on fairness and working together
  • Assemblies, off site visits
  • ReACh Approach (Relationship education for the Autistic Child)


  • Clear expectations and boundaries e.g. I am working towards…/First…then…
  • Opportunities to make choices across the curriculum. Everyone has a voice – PECS, Makaton, Eye gaze, intensive interaction, sensory cues
  • My Requests – how we respond to children
  • Specialist resources to allow all to achieve and participate
  • Sharing / turn taking. Working together in lessons, learning to get along at playtimes
  • Giving pupils responsibilities and opportunities to be independent
  • Cross-curricular work – Round the world, People who help us, All about me, Families, Myths and legends/Traditional tales
  • Stories from other cultures
  • Assemblies and activities to celebrate festivals from all faiths
  • Focuses on special world events to positively reinforce life and culture in other countries e.g. Olympics
  • Visits by people in the community e.g. police

Focus: Opportunities offered within the community


  • Shopping trips, high street, supermarket
  • Visits to nearby places such as the park, library, sports centre
  • Visit to church and other local religious buildings
  • Sports days / fun days
  • Visits from others within the community


  • Shopping trips
  • Visits to religious buildings within the area (e.g. mosque, church, Gurdwara)
  • Sporting and music events
  • Visits to key places in the community

All of these things are the foundations for being a good citizen and promoting the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.