Lindon Bennett School


At Lindon Bennett School we very much encourage our pupils to wear a simple uniform.

Royal Blue or White Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts and Fleeces are available with the school logo on. These can be worn with either black joggers or black trousers.

We intend shortly to also introduce a simple PE kit.

Uniform is no longer available to purchase through the school. However, you can view sample uniform, and your child can try different sizes to ensure the right size is ordered.

Uniform is now purchased directly from our uniform supplier: School Bells, 48 Bell Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 3PB

To order uniform or to obtain prices, please call School Bells on 020 8577 6656 (more details below).

Please ensure all uniform and clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name as it saves time identifying your items.

School Bells Uniform.pdf