Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development
At Lindon Bennett School we recognise that social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is important in the education of all our pupils and permeates the curriculum and ethos of the school.
Social development
Relates to the acquisition of skills for interacting with others. It begins with family and friends and extends to the wider community. Pupils are taught to interact appropriately with others and to respect each other. An awareness and respect for the environments in which they live is also developed. Pupils play and learn together in the classroom and in the playground, being encouraged to develop turn taking skills and learning how to initiate interaction. Throughout the curriculum, pupils are encouraged to develop their communication skills using a method appropriate to the individual.
Moral development
Relates to developing an understanding of right and wrong. Pupils learn to make choices in their behaviour through developing an understanding of boundaries and through our work on positive behaviour support. Behaviour plans are agreed and implemented with the help of the behaviour team and staff and parents are offered support in managing behaviour. Through PHSE and PSED pupils learn about caring for one another, making and keeping friends, and living in a community.
Spiritual development
Relates to the exploration and development of feelings and emotions; personality; and an awareness of different beliefs and cultures. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the awe and wonder of the world around them whenever appropriate occasions arise. Pupils are helped to gain an understanding of their feelings and emotions and those of others around them. Pupils learn about different festivals as part of our cross-curricular work and Enrichment Days. Classes have a Review and Reflect time at the end of the day and also come together for assemblies.
Cultural development
Relates to experiencing aspects of different cultures. Exploration of customs, foods, artefacts and stories help pupils to develop awareness of the lifestyles of others. All pupils are accepted equally and play an active part in the school community regardless of nationality, religion or gender. Pupils participate in a range of musical, sporting and other cultural activities provided by the school.