Lindon Bennett School

Assessment, monitoring and progress

At Lindon Bennett School assessment and moderation are an integral part of our teaching and learning process, promoting an ongoing reflective review of our Curriculum and its impact.

We ensure progress is captured effectively over time and future planning is supported and informed by appropriate assessment, providing a suitably differentiated Teaching and Learning experience for all pupils.

All teachers assess pupil’s individual progress towards meeting their agreed Personalised Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Annual Targets using a number of assessments and reporting tools, these include:

– Daily observation and identified next steps
– Lindon Bennett Levels KS2 (Solar)
– Lindon Bennett Early Years Steps Birth to 5 EYFS and KS1 (Solar)
– Routes for Learning (Welsh Assembly)
– Pupil Progress Meetings

– Lindon Bennett Communication Assessment

End of key stage assessment

– Engagement Scales

– Pre-key stage standards

Performance data for pupils within Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2 is based on the Birth to 5 framework.  Performance data for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 is based on assessment linked to Lindon Bennett Levels.

Pupil progress meetings take place termly to ensure teacher judgement is challenged. Our judgements are moderated internally and externally both with schools in borough and across borough. 


Recorded progress for 2021-2022 

Key stage 1

Communication and Language

Listening and Attention

71% of pupils met expected outcomes

10% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes


55% of pupils met expected outcomes

7% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes


64% of pupils met expected outcomes

12% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Physical Development

Health and self-care

64% of pupils met expected outcomes

12% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Moving and Handling

64% of pupils met expected outcomes

17% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Making Relationships

69% of pupils met expected outcomes

21% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Managing feelings and behaviour

81% of pupils met expected outcomes

21% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Self Confidence and Self awareness

67% of pupils met expected outcomes

19% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Key stage 2



65% of pupils met expected outcomes

12% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes


61% of pupils met expected outcomes

14% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes


58% of pupils met expected outcomes

20% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes



61% of pupils met expected outcomes

14% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes


59% of pupils met expected outcomes

16% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes

Using, Applying, Statistics

66% of pupils met expected outcomes

12% of pupils exceeded expected outcomes