Lindon Bennett School



Cheetahs Class have had a busy term! During the first half of the Spring Term, we enjoyed exploring rich and diverse cultures from around the world through stories including ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Kofi and the Magic Shaker’. Cheetahs enjoyed sampling food including exotic fruits from Africa and delicious snacks from India. We celebrated the Lunar New Year with a trip to China on a magic carpet ride, where we experienced a traditional Lion Dance, made our own Chinese five spice and tasted fortune cookies.

In the second half of Spring, our Thematic learning has focused on ‘Materials’. We have investigated the properties of different materials through sensory exploration, focusing on the concepts of ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘rough’, ‘smooth’, ‘hard’ and ‘soft’. We went on a sensory adventure with Michael Rosen’s classic, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and made our very own textured sensory books with hard, rough twigs, smooth leaves, cold snow and soft, squishy mud. We experienced warm foot spas with wet bubbles, smooth moisturisers and soft towels and explored the properties of the different materials used by the Three Little Pigs to build their houses whilst sharing the story as a class. We also experimented with using a switch controlled hair dryer to observe the effect of heat on a block of ice!