Lindon Bennett School


We had a fun and busy Spring term in Camels class. We celebrated Ian, Hanifa and Elria’s birthdays by playing party games, singing, and having cake.

The first topic we explored was countries. We focused on France, Italy, China, India and England. We enjoyed saying hello in different languages, learning about special features of these countries and going to local take-away to try new foods from these countries. Additionally, Camels took part in a fantastic class assembly all about Burns Night and showed the school our highland dancing.

Our second topic was Materials. We enjoyed learning about different properties such as hard, soft, rigid and flexible. We made puppets from material as well as designing and making cars using wheels and axels. We enjoyed our trips to Windsor Castle, Bracknell Look Out Discovery Centre and Thames Valley Adventure Playground.

In communication, language and literacy, we have explored a range of books, such as Postman Pat and particularly enjoyed writing a letter and posting it home. We have also been learning about colours, shapes, time and problem solving.


We are really looking forward to our theme for Summer Leisure and Sport, especially to the  planning of  a big trip to Hampton Court Palace!