Welcome to Bears Class,
We are happy to return into our classroom after a great summer. We have welcomed new students and new staff into our classroom. We have have started settling in well and developing strong foundations for our structured classroom. Our new students have engaged in all our classroom routines, this includes our morning and afternoon greeting, checking our schedules and following instructions across the day. Students in bears class have begun forming positive relationships with staff and each other.
In the afternoon we are enjoying themed learning, the theme for this term is magical and mythical stories. Our classroom began with Jack and the beanstalk, we created our own beanstalk from junk material. We also enjoyed taking turns chasing as ‘Jack’ and the giant in the rainforest playground. We are excited about our next story in the coming week which will be ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.
Bears class is looking forward to this new academic year with amazing themes planned, structured and fun learning.
~Bears Team