Lindon Bennett School


Bears’ spring term was enjoyable, eventful and engaging. We began by exploring various countries of the world. We looked at different cultures and their celebrations. Our termly books allowed us to explore and learn about various flags, city structures and cultures. We used Paddington to explore ‘Darkest Peru’ and London. We celebrated Chinese New Year, which explored New year celebrations from the other side of the world. Bears class also hosted a turn taking and sharing assembly.

During the second half of the spring term, we enjoyed a variety of activities. We worked on problem solving, measurements and time. During our afternoon themed learning we learned about various materials and we enjoyed sorting the different recycling materials as well as using rough, soft, shiny, hard materials to create art pieces. Enrichment days included World Book Day during which Bears wore amazing costumes. Easter was a wonderful time for our class as we enjoyed creating eggs on the interactive white board as well as tasting some real chocolate ones!

We are all excited about the upcoming summer term when we will be developing our learning with a range of various sport and leisure activities.