Butterflies Class has had lots of fun this term starting with different foods and having the opportunities for exploring, using all of our senses, cooking and following the ‘Messy Chef’ programme.
Since half term we have been exploring different water habitats including ponds, rivers and the sea which has included lots of water play. We are very excited about our ‘Day by the River’ where we shall be creating a river for the children to paddle in, go fishing, balance across bridges and will finish the day with a picnic. We have been listening to stories and songs including our new favourite ‘The Pig in the Pond’ and ‘Row, row, row the boat.’ We have learnt about the different creatures that live in the water and how people enjoy water by swimming, boating and keeping cool in the summer.
The farm visited which allowed us to see animals up close, listening to the sounds they make and feeding them.
We will be having our Sports Day very soon and are busy practicing our racing, target throwing and balancing in PE. In addition we are excited to be finishing the term with a school carnival celebration where we shall choose a country to explore and share our findings with the rest of the school and you!
We wish you all a wonderful Summer Holiday and look forward to hearing about your new journeys in September. In the meantime please remember:
Thank you
The Butterflies Team – Jenni, Seema and Tatiana