A warm welcome to all Camels Class children on their first few weeks back to school! Each and every one of them should be very proud of the progress they have made already and how well they have transitioned into a new academic year at Lindon Bennett School.
So far, we have been focusing on getting to know one another by engaging in lots of different activities that promote socialising and learning about how we feel. We have lots of different spaces in the classroom for quiet time, learning and play to discover in which ways we learn best.
Our current topic is Magical Stories and Fairytales. Camels class have enjoyed listening to and exploring Goldilocks & the 3 Bears and have made various sensory trays of porridge and other materials to practice our mark-making skills and learnt the differences between wet and dry, big and small – and ‘just right’ – as well as a Teddy Bears picnic!
Going forwards, Camels Class will do lots of exploring their senses and how they can communicate in different ways to express their feelings. We will support each other throughout our learning and encourage lots of opportunities within all subjects to celebrate our achievements.
Here’s to an exciting and joyful year in Camels Class!