It has been a very exciting summer term for the children in Caterpillars class. They have had a lot of fun exploring the two topics ‘Food’ and ‘Water and the Outdoors’. The children have engaged in many activities to develop their fine motor skills whilst being creative and exploring through their senses.
We have been working on developing attention skills during our small group sessions and when working one-to-one with an adult to complete short tasks.
The children have been enjoying exploring the water outdoors in the recent warmer weather. They have also been able to stroke and fed some animals when the mobile farm came to visit our school.
We are looking forward to our Sport’s Day and showing all of our friends and families our skills as we take part in the exciting events planned for the afternoon! Later on, before the summer holidays we will be taking part in the whole school carnival week and our focus country will be Ghana.
Please apply sun cream to your children before they come to nursery and send them in with their sun hats in the hot weather.