Welcome to Hawks class!
We are very happy to see all the children have settled in very well. It was great to meet our friends after the summer holiday and we have also met the new children in our class. During the first week we had a great opportunity to get to know each other, play and explore new resources together. We also reminded ourselves about our well-known class routines and established some new ones as well. We were very happy to see some indoor plants in our classroom. We decorated our plant pots and now we take turns to look after them and water them to make sure they remain in good health.
We also welcomed our new topic with great enthusiasm. During this half term we are exploring magical, mystical stories. We loved our ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story, where we had an opportunity to dress up like story characters and create our picnic baskets for grandma. We will also listen to different forest sounds and used a variety of materials to create a fantastic collage of the trees, animals and main characters from the story to display our work in our class.
We are also working together as a group, exploring 3D materials to build a big castle as we will focus on stories of knights, princesses and kings over the next couple of weeks.
This half term we will be going to Thames Valley Adventure Playground where we will explore different safe and stimulating learning and play areas and spaces.
We wish you all the best in new school year.
Hawks team.