It has been a very exciting summer term for Hedgehogs class. The children have been very busy exploring numbers, shape and size with different multi-sensory approaches in their Maths lessons. They have been working on developing their attention skills at group times and when sharing stories with as a whole class group and looking at books one-to one with the familiar adults in class. Hedgehogs’ class have also been using lots of sensory experiences to work on developing their mark making skills, focusing on copying simple movements, shapes and doing some tracing.
In Hedgehogs class, we have been practising turn taking and sharing the big ball and our favourite toys with our friends. The children have enjoyed exploring the water outdoors in the recent warmer weather, this has included using water and paintbrushes to practise mark making in a different way! It was very exciting when the mobile farm came to visit us at school! The children were able to stroke and fed the animals and listen to some of the noises that they made.
We enjoyed our Father’s Day Stay and Play event where some of our family members came into school to play and explore with us. We also had a very enjoyable Sport’s Day where we were able to demonstrate to our friends and families the skills that we had been working on in our weekly PE lessons. Later on, before the summer holidays, we will be taking part in the whole school carnival week and our focus country will be the Brazil!
Please apply sun cream to your children before they come to school and send them in with their sun hats in the hot weather.