The boys and girls in Kangaroos Class are having a very fun summer term so far!
During the first summer term we looked at the theme of ‘Sport and Leisure’. This was a very exciting topic as we did a lot of outdoor games and treasure hunts, we listened and participated in stories with lots of movement and exercises such as Ready, Steady, Mo!, ‘The Journey’ and ‘The Jolly Postman’, and of course we got messy and explored lot of different sensory trays and water play games.
The children worked very hard on their tracing, painting and colouring, their counting and maths skills, following instructions using key words and their understanding and speaking skills. We even helped the Jolly Postman in our story to deliver his letters by cycling on a push bike in the classroom! Well done to all!
In this second summer term, we are looking at ‘living things’ where the children have been spending some time gardening in our polytunnel in the allotment. The children have really enjoyed this outdoor learning! The farm also came to visit and the children loved seeing the animals and feeding them.
The children have again enjoyed interactive stories such as ‘We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt’, messy play, 1-1 activities and working in our outdoor classroom where they have been engaging in our mud kitchen, water station and mark making garden area. This last term, we hope to visit local parks and continue to work and learn outside as well as a class trip. This last term is fun packed and we are looking forward to all the fun trips and games that will happen over the next couple of weeks. J
Please continue to communicate with us through your child’s home-school diary. Thank you.
Best Wishes,
Kangaroo’s Team J