We are thrilled to welcome the children in Lions class! We have had some fun filled few weeks since the start of this academic year learning about each other. We are very proud of all the children as they have made great effort to settle in and cooperate with new faces and a new classroom area.
They have all made good progress engaging in various sensory and other fun activities. We spent the first couple of weeks expressing ourselves and familiarizing ourselves to our new friends. Children have already progressed in many ways like registering themselves in the morning, acknowledging routine sand different areas of the classroom etc. We created puzzles of our faces and attempted name recognition to match them to our faces.
Our current topic is Magical, mystical stories and we have enjoyed listening and exploring the story of ‘Cinderella’. We have used the story to engage in our learning in many ways. For literacy we have looked at matching images that are key to the story and used some expression cards to identify the feelings of characters in the story. We have created puppets of some key characters and explored printing in Art to design outfits for the characters. In Mathematics, we are currently looking at basic shapes. We explore outdoors to find shapes in the environment along with matching shapes activities.
Going ahead, it seems like Lions Class will be a very busy class exploring other aspects of the story to continue our learning. We will cease all opportunities to learn across the curriculum, outdoors and indoors and continue to motivate the children. We will understand and support each other and celebrate all efforts and accomplishments throughout the year.
Let the fun begin in Lions class!