Since children started KS1 at Main Street, they have grown so much and showed amazing progress in their independence. The children in Rabbits class are always full of energy and willing to be challenged in new things. They are expanding their skills day by day. Now, during circle time, the children take turns and come up to the board independently to place cards on allocated spaces for daily learning tasks such as naming the day, the date and the weather.
We started the summer term with children’s favourite topic “Animals.” We learned about animals in the Jungle, the Zoo, the Farm and insects in the woods. Rabbits class enjoyed looking at photographs of different types of animals and created artwork. Currently our topic has moved on to the Sea, and the children are learning about a variety of sea creatures as well as pirates!
We visited Chessington Zoo and the Sea Life Centre on a school trip and saw the real animals close up. The children enjoyed looking at giraffes, gorillas, sea eagles and rhinos. They were very curious and observant. Walking through the sea life tunnel with fish swimming above them was a magical and memorable moment.
In our allotment, we have planted different types of vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, peas, beans and also sunflowers. We are pleased to report that they are growing well, and hopefully the children will be able to harvest them before the summer holidays!