Lindon Bennett School



Tigers have had an interesting Spring term.  First half term we learnt about ‘Me and the world around me’. We looked at the continent of Africa. The students made maps of Africa and added the countries to it. They learnt about maps and used maps practically around the school.

In our morning sessions we have been exploring numbers and problem solving activities.  We have been accessing learning through workstations and group work.

Our theme second half term has been Materials. We have explored various materials and their properties, separating them and changing state. We have learnt about recycling and practically sorted items for recycling.

As a class we have enjoyed trips in our local community. We have visited Tesco to buy items for cooking and snack time.  We have also visited our school allotment and planted some seeds.

Tigers have enjoyed cooking and art related to our topics. We especially enjoyed Easter projects to end the term.