It has been a fun and happy first term in Zebra’s class. We have spent time getting to know and becoming familiar with each other. We have adjusted well to the new classroom environment, and we are becoming comfortable with daily routines.
Our current topic is Magical, Mystical stories, and we have enjoyed listening, reading, and exploring the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” The story was engaging and allowed us to learn in many ways. We even had the chance to grow beanstalks by placing dry beans into a plastic wallet and watering them daily. In no time, we were growing beanstalks in the classroom, just as Jack did in the story. We also designed and crafted the beanstalk, the cow, the golden egg, and the hen by using various materials, such as paint, glue, and tissue paper.
In Mathematics, we have been learning about basic shapes, space, measurements, and numbers. We crafted pictures and patterns with the use of many shapes.
Each week we have a cooking, this is an awesome lesson! So far, we have made and eaten toast with butter and jam, chocolate cupcakes, and iced biscuits topped with colourful sprinkles.
Zebras class is looking forward to next term with amazing themes planned, structured, and fun learning.
Go Zebras!
The Zebras Team