Key Stage 2
Curriculum vision
KS2 classes offer an adapted and highly differentiated curriculum based on the National Curriculum in order to meet the individual learning needs and abilities of our pupils. Where appropriate, early phonics is taught through the Sounds and Letters stages.
Our KS2 curriculum aims to develop the learning of all pupils, moving on from their early experiences. We focus on supporting pupils to develop and progress in their communication, independence and key skills. We help pupils learn to work together in order to develop social skills and an understanding of what is appropriate behaviour so they can share activities, as well as participate in life in the community.
Our KS2 curriculum strives to be responsive to each learner. Each pupil has Personalised Learning Outcomes which guide their learning across all lessons. These termly PLOs are set using short term targets from the pupil’s EHCP and are challenging and attainable so that pupils can achieve to their potential.
A rolling plan is in place, which supports a breadth of relevant and stimulating contexts for learning through a cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning, with an additional focus on English and Maths. We use a creative approach so pupils enjoy their learning and can build on their unique abilities and achievements.
KS2 pupils have the opportunity to visit a variety of local environments within the community, including participating in sporting and musical events. They visit our school allotment and use our local shops regularly. In addition to visits using our school minibuses, they also use public transport to access different venues. This provides practical learning experiences in different settings and allows pupils to generalise the skills they have learned.
Our KS2 programme includes Enrichment Days that focus on learning in a particular curriculum area. These not only broaden the teaching and learning experiences of all pupils, but also give pupils the opportunity to work with other children and staff.
We work in conjunction with occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists to integrate therapy into the pupils’ learning. We also have specialist PE and music teachers who take classes to develop pupils’ skills in these areas.
Assessment is ongoing with all staff recording pupils’ progress against their Personalised Learning Outcomes. Teachers use the information gained to set next steps to ensure progress and challenge in all sessions.
What can I do at home?
- Give your child opportunities to communicate and make choices.
- Use numbers, colours, words etc. with your child in practical, meaningful situations.
- Look out for things that link to the cross-curricular theme to talk about and explore.
- Let your child help you with (safe) tasks around the home or in the community e.g. looking for an item in the shops.
- Share in play and show your child new ways to play.
How can I find out how my child is getting on?
You can keep up to date by:
- Writing questions in the home-school book.
- Attending termly parents’ evenings.
- Attending your child’s Annual Review.
- Reading your child’s Personalised Learning Outcomes.
Please also share with your child’s class any achievements at home or any other information which may be helpful.